Avocados in NFL: Mixed of Marketing and Logistics. 

By Abraham Romo                                                                                                                  

Last February 2023, we again lived one of the best events in the world: The NFL Super Bowl between Eagles and Chiefs. The point that we will talk about is how the Avocado created a Million Dollar Supply Chain all around North America.


It is a story that began in 1992, when the Avocado took a place of Super Bowl's Menu in form of dip, that is better called: Guacamole.

The "Guacamole Bowl”, took the heart of Football fans as a Sporting tradition.  Americans decided to eat Guacamole than the fast food, because it is healthier and easy to eat. The pass of years made this product a worldwide business. 

It is the moment when Mexico appeared. The first Avocado’s exporter took the place with a better product than the National avocado; that has a shorter season that only runs from mid Spring through the end of August.


The result of a careful planning made the Avocados near to Americans through the deal called NAFTA. That make easier the trade of goods and services between Mexico, USA, and Canada, letting businesses expand into and explore different markets.

The elements of Supply Chain are working to obtain this year more than 130,000 avocados for SB57. 

Supply Chain for Avocados of Mexico.


Production and Distribution

-APEAM Growers: Group of more than 30K of Growers working in more than 40K hectares. 

-APEAM Importers: Group of more than 70 companies working to import the product to USA.

-MHAIA Distributions: Take the product to retailers.



LERMA Agency.

This year LERMA agency took the ball and shoot it to more than 200 million of spectators with a commercial that explained the value of "Avocados of Mexico" with a comic language, but this commercial positioned the Mexican Avocado as the best.

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Abraham Romo

Logistics Specialist 


+52 477 121 4510

Email:  rcardoso@industrialrealtor.agency


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3.       Rana, K. (22 de November de 2022). https://www.logisticsinsider.in/. Obtenido de https://www.logisticsinsider.in/: https://www.logisticsinsider.in/a-snapshot-of-the-air-logistics-behind-the-fifa-world-cup-2022/
